Well, we're starting this Cool Places to Hangout in Zwinktopia Guide - check back regularly, and feel free to share with us your favorites places in Zwinktopia.
Kevin (from Buzz) writes: I don't know why, but I like hanging out in Zarcadia, the Zwinky arcade. Maybe it's the space-age walls, or the nostalgia of seeing all those machines lined up like the arcades of my youth.
Okay, that's a lie. I know exactly why I like it: during development, it was my job to make sure all the games were in working order. In other words, I got paid to play video games. And it was everything I've ever dreamt it could be, and more. I got to tell co-workers things like "Sorry I missed that meeting on expense reports, but I had to get the high score in Alphapets," and "Hey, could you grab me a Dr. Pepper? I don't want to ruin this SubZ hot streak I'm on." It was awesome.
In addition to Zarcadia giving me me dream job, I enjoy it because there are usually lots of talkative people hanging out there, which means I can always count on a good conversation or compare high scores.
In fact, I think I'm going to head off to Zarcadia now to give that Red Barista a run for her money.
Hanging out in Zwinktopia - guide to cool places.
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Emërtimet: Zarcadia, Zwinktopia, Zwinktopia guide, zwinky
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